SWC is a non-profit, private, membership-based organization providing services to eligible members. SWC is not open to the public.
Member requirements
An SWC member is an HIV+ person who:
- has filled out a “Membership Application”
- maintains a current certification of eligibility to receive services provided by Ryan White funding*
- abides by the “SWC Member Rights and Responsibilities” and the “SWC Code of Member Conduct”
- has provided any other information which may be deemed necessary to maintain membership, and
- has not had SWC membership suspended or terminated by the organization
* If you are HIV+ but do not qualify for Ryan White funded services please call us at (412)683-4477
* This member application is also available in Spanish. Este formulario de solicitud de miembro tambien esta disponible en espanol : “Solicitud de Miembro”
For more information about being a member of the Shepherd Wellness Community, please click here to see our Member Handbook.
It is important that you maintain current Ryan White Certification or your membership will expire at the end of your certification date.
We all work together to make SWC a safe and supportive community. If you do not abide by the “SWC Member Rights and Responsibilities” and the “SWC Code of Member Conduct”, your membership may be suspended or terminated.
To safeguard our community for all, SWC reserves the right to reject, suspend or terminate membership based on membership requirements.
Member Rights and Responsibilities
The Shepherd Wellness Community (SWC) is committed to cultivating a safe, supportive, respectful, inclusive, and non-judgmental community environment. This core value is essential to our mission of helping people with HIV/AIDS improve their wellness.
Shepherd Wellness Community Member rights:
- The right to receive services in a safe and supportive environment.
- The right to receive services in a smoke, drug and alcohol free environment.
- The right to receive services in a clean and healthful environment.
- The right to be treated with dignity and respect.
- The right to be heard and to be informed about how to make a suggestion, complaint, or file a grievance.
- The right to be informed about community resources and to be referred to other providers for assistance in meeting your needs
- The right to be informed about Shepherd Wellness Community policies and procedures.
- The right to receive services without regard to race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, place of birth, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial status, age, or non-disqualifying physical or mental disability, or on any other bases protected by federal, state, or local law.
Shepherd Wellness Community Member responsibilities:
- It is expected that you will treat others the way you wish to be treated, with dignity and respect. This includes SWC staff, members, guests, visitors, and volunteers.
- It is expected that you will maintain confidentiality and not disclose any information you may learn at SWC about other SWC members.
- It is expected that you will respect the rights and property of the Shepherd Wellness Community and of the staff, members, guests, volunteers, and visitors.
- It is expected that you will not use alcohol or illegal drugs before or during SWC programs and activities.
- It is expected that your behavior, and the behavior of your children and guests, will contribute to maintaining a safe, supportive, respectful, inclusive, and non-judgmental community environment. Violence, threats of violence or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated against SWC staff, members, guests, volunteers, and visitors and will result in immediate expulsion from the SWC premises and suspension of membership.
- It is expected that you will not participate in any illegal activities or behavior on the SWC premises or at SWC programs.
- It is expected that you will not engage in any kind of solicitation, promotion or sales on the SWC premises or during SWC programs without prior approval.
- It is expected that you will understand and abide by the requirements of the “SWC Rights and Responsibilities” and “SWC Code of Member Conduct”.
Member Application Form
Download and fill out the “Member Application Form” and return it to us by mail, email ([email protected]), fax (412-683-5755) or in person when you come to any dinner or program.
For more information about being a member of the Shepherd Wellness Community, please click here to see our Member Handbook.
Certify for Ryan White Eligibility
Ryan White certification makes you eligible to receive Ryan White-funded services in our Southwest PA Region. For details about certification, click here.)

Non-Discrimination Policy
SWC and its employees shall not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, place of birth, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial status, age, or non- disqualifying physical or mental disability, or on any other basis protected by federal, state or local law.
• Whether any such conduct is deemed to be illegal or not, conduct by employees or members such as that described below is prohibited:
- Epithets, slurs, ridicule, insults, or threatening, intimidating or hostile acts, including those that purport to be “jokes” or “pranks”, made to or about someone because of his or her membership in a protected class or exercise of legal rights;
- Stereotyping or offensive comments, cartoons, pictures or objects (such as swastikas or KKK paraphernalia) that denigrate or insult members of a protected class or those who exercise legal rights;
- Demeaning, hostile or derogatory remarks directed at someone because of his or her protected class status or exercise of legal rights.